Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tie-Dye Change

Just a reminder. The tie-dye lab has been changed from Friday, May 14th to Monday, May 17th due to cold weather being forecast for Friday. If you did not order a t-shirt, make sure to bring something to dye if you want.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Solutions to 1999 Bohr Model problem and 2003 Beer's Law Problem

Below are the solutions to the problems given out on Thursday, May 6th, 2010 after the Electrochemistry quiz.

Solutions Rxn Rate Problems 2005 (B) #3, 2008 (B) #2, 2004 #3

Below are the solutions to the problems done on Friday, May7th, 2010 in class.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Class Material Covered on Friday, May 7th, 2010

The following questions were covered during class on Friday, May 7th. Most juniors were out due to the AP Euro test. Use the link below to go to the web site that hosts the old exams and download the tests specified by year and page number. All problems deal with reaction rate laws.

Year 2005 (Form B) - problem #3 - pages 8 and 9

Year 2008 (Form B) - problem #2 - page 7

Year 2004 - problems #3 - page 8

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

AP Chemistry T-Shirts

The cost of the AP Chemistry t-shirt will be $6.00. I will be placing the order for the t-shirts at the end of the day, Friday, May 7th, 2010. A form will be passed out in class on Wednesday, May 5th, 2010. Please fill out the form and attach $6.00 (cash only please) to the form with a rubber band or paper clip. If I do not have a form and money from you by Friday, May 5th, 2010, you will not be able to order a t-shirt. A copy of the form is below if you wish to print it off at home.

Also, I still have not received any submissions for an idea about the back of the t-shirt. Please get them into me as soon as possible.

Chapter 17 Take Home CMQ

If you were not in class on Tuesday, May 4th, 2010, an image of the Chapter 17 Take Home Check-Me-Quiz is below. Print it and finish it for tomorrow, Wednesday, May 5th, 2010.

AP Chemistry Problems 2002 #2 and 2005 (Form B) #2

Below are the solutions for year 2002 #2 and 2005 (Form B) #2.